History of the Al-Drechi

While it has taken millions of years for the Al Drechi to evolve as with all species, their history begins approximately 10,000 Earth years ago. 

The planet Drechi is located near the Horsehead Nebula, a bit over 1300 lightyears from Earth. It’s an extremely warm planet, primarily a combination of rocky terrain and lush forests. To deal with the harsh climate and treacherous animals that inhabit it, the Al Drechi evolved to be quick and fast. This along with their six eyes let them keep moving and look out for threats. They came to call the planet Drechi (meaning homeland) and the people Al Drechi (meaning all within the homeland).

The disparate tribes of Al Drechi across the planet began to coalesce into a single society. They even found themselves connecting with the greater energies in the universe. This allowed them to learn how to harness reality itself, pulling that energy and converting it into material and illusions. But some considered this magic an affront to existence, to control it as a god would. They called themselves the Rel-Drechi.

The Rel-Drechi who trained in combat were quick to attack before the magic users could get their bearings. But the magical abilities proved to be too much for the Rel-Drechi. This culminated in the Battle of the Unreal Valley over 6000 years ago (2000 BCE). Magic users created the illusion of a battlefield, giving them a distinct advantage and control of the situation.

Some of the Rel-Drechi were able to use meditation to see through the illusion but the majority could not. It was General Naren Katal of the magic users that gave them one last chance to lay down arms. They did not, and Naren chose to lay siege to them.

Some of the Rel-Drechi broke their stance, using magic of their own as a final defense against slaughter. But it was too little, too late. Despite the now widespread use of magic, the results of the conflict still leave some bitterness in those who trace their heratige back to the Rel-Drechi. After the fighting subsided, a small contingent chose to withdraw entirely. Choosing lead a simpler life without the aid of magic, these Grounded exist into the modern day in exceedingly smaller numbers.

Following the end of conflicts with the Rel-Drechi, the rest of Al Drechi society began to quickly  grow. A deeper knowledge of magic and technology helped to bring food, shelter, and resources to everyone. This led to over a millenia of progress and growth across the planet.

Eventually though, an addiction began to form as some magic users became untethered from reality in illusions. The government that formed in the aftermath of the civil war was also locked in a debate of how to move forward. They tasked the most powerful magic users to reach out and breach the illusions, connecting with the addicted on a deeper mental level. While this was successful, it had an beautiful but unintended consequence. The combined mental power reached out to the stars and connected for a moment with other planets. From the other’s planet’s perspectives, they saw only ghosts or dismissed them as a dream. 

But this knowledge of life on other planets was the thing that truly united the planet Drechi. They worked toward a common goal, though it took them another millenia to develop space travel outside of their star. 

The first few planets that the Al Drechi explored were barren planets, almost all without intelligent life. 

After 500 years, they developed enough travel capability to meet with another inhabited planet. Dommukar, a planet of powerful warriors who had not yet begun to explore beyond their star system.

The initial meeting was disastrous. The Dommukarians while extremely powerful in their own right, were fearful of these perceived invaders. Having landed without observation, the Al Drechi did not know how to communicate with them. Their psychic communication led to conflict initially, with all but one of the landing party being killed. Some in the Al Drechi’s government took this as an act of war, but the explorers saw what it truly was: defense against an invasion.

The Al Drechi changed their protocols and studied the Dommukar from afar until they could learn to communicate with them. On their second attempt, the two species connected and learned from one another. The Al Drechi even offered to teach them how to travel the stars, but the Dommukar were a proud people. Knowing that there were those out there who could travel in such a way told them they would eventually figure it out for themselves.

Over the next 3500 years, Al Drechi became known as both fierce fighters and defenders of the weak with the planets the contacted. They learned to terraform the barren worlds they initially explored. This allowed them to expand to two more planets from which they could expand their efforts to further contact other life.

The Varmite Empire began pushing its boundaries, encroaching on the territory of other worlds. 50 years ago the Varmites attacked Dommukar. In response, the Al Drechi sent all their forces to defend their allies. Unfortunately, they arrived too late to help their oldest brothers and sisters in the stars. The Al Drechi were successful in evacuating a small number of remaining Dommukar off world to keep their culture alive, if only barely. 

The Varmites, not having dealt with magic before, were overwhelmed by their power. A few followup battles across other worlds allowed the two sides to learn each others strengths and weaknesses. Further conflict would find them evenly matched. The Al Drechi government and Varmite generals came to a stalemate. They agreed not to take further actions against each other or their current allies. The Varmites also required that the Al Drechi not attempt to recruit new allies to their cause.

The Varmites would continue to push behind the scenes, testing the strength of the boundaries set by the treaty. Naren Betriss, a low ranking Al Drechi, became aware of a plot by the Varmites to attack Earth. His intelligence report couldn’t give a reason for the move, so Betriss entered a meditative state. This connected him with a powerful energy from the planet that he couldn’t quite place. He appealed to the Al Drechi leadership to move to defend this planet that was not at their technological level. He was rebuffed by the High Council, told that no matter the Varmite’s intentions they would honor the agreement that was made until such a time that it could not be held. Betriss could not stand for this, and made his own way to warn the people of Earth.

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